February is here! If you’re looking for funding for your business, the Bank of America Institute for Women’s Entrepreneurship at Cornell University keeps a running list that they publish every month. I am reprinting it here with their permission.

This post mentions over 90 grants, resources, and opportunities for global, Canada-based and US-based businesses.  There are also over 100 additional opportunities in 36 US states and DC which are kept updated at this linkhttps://bofainstitute.cornell.edu/more/spreadsheet-with-funding-resources-for-2025/

Global Opportunities

Amazon App Store Small Business Accelerator – The Small Business Accelerator Program allows developers that earn less than 1 million USD in total annual revenue in the previous calendar year to access additional benefits up to or equivalent to 20% of Appstore revenue. If eligible, you’ll receive a 10% increased royalty payment and AWS credits equivalent to 10% of your app revenue. – https://developer.amazon.com/apps-and-games/small-business-program

Amazon Small Business Success Studio – The free service offers lessons in finance, marketing, procurement and operations, along with tips from founders –https://business.amazon.com/en/small-business/success-studio/welcome

American Express Leadership Academy – The Academy is for people in the non-profit sector who are intentionally striving to be better equipped to respond adaptively to challenges, and to keep going in the face of adversity. –  https://commonpurpose.org/american-express-leadership-academy#anchor1

Antler Global Startup Program – Antler is a global early-stage VC that runs multiple programs for business startups around the world. See the website for more info about the program and application dates. – https://www.antler.co/platform/#apply-now

Awesome Foundation – Foundation distributes $1,000 grants, no strings attached, to projects and their creators. At each fully autonomous chapter, the money is pooled together from the coffers of ten or so self-organizing “micro-trustees”.  Awarded monthly – https://www.awesomefoundation.org/en

Bayer Foundation Women Entrepreneurs Award – Across Asia Pacific, Latin America, Africa, and the Middle East, Bayer Foundation is seeking 15 women who are ready to scale their ideas and create sustainable change. If you’re working on innovative solutions to the world’s most pressing challenges in health and food security, now is the time to take your business to the next level.  Funding of 25,000 Euros. Apply by 2/18/2025 – https://bayerfoundation-wea.com/

Canva Pro For Nonprofits – If you are a nonprofit, you can register now to get Canva’s premium features for free. – https://www.canva.com/canva-for-nonprofits/

Curql Accelerate Program – Any company innovating in fintech or banking is encouraged to apply! Investments will be made exclusively into CUSOs (Credit Union Service Organizations) which is a qualification they will help companies add as part of their investment. Funding of $100,000. Apply by 3/9/2025 – https://www.gener8tor.com/investment-accelerators/curql

Emergent Ventures Grant/Fellowship Application (through Mercatus Center at George Mason University) – Emergent Ventures, a fellowship and grant program from the Mercatus Center, seeks to support entrepreneurs with highly scalable, “zero to one” ideas for meaningfully improving society. Projects will either be fellowships or grants: fellowships involve time in residence at the Mercatus Center in Northern Virginia; grants are one-time or slightly staggered payments to support a project. https://www.mercatus.org/emergent-ventures

Etsy Disaster Relief Fund – Sellers will be eligible for a grant if they experienced a federally declared natural disaster within the past year, have been an active seller on Etsy for at least one year, and their Etsy account is in good standing. Grants for $2,500 – https://advocacy.etsy.com/etsy-emergency-relief-fund-at-cerf/

F6S List of Accelerators and Pitch Competitions – Provides a list of accelerators, contests and pitch competitions around the world. https://www.f6s.com/

Giving Joy Microgrant – Available to women 18 and older – The Giving Joy Micro Grant Program is inviting women across Europe and Middle East to apply for funding aimed at empowering women, girls, and families. This initiative supports innovative ideas, businesses, and organizations that focus on making a positive impact in their communities. Eligible applicants can propose activities in any legal field or trade, making this an exciting opportunity for women to bring their visions to life. Grant of $500. Apply by 4/30/25 (later deadlines for different regions) – https://givingjoygrants.org/grant-application

InsurTech Startup Competition – Global InsurTech Startup Competition 2025 to bring visibility to talented founders of early-stage InsurTech startups to gain access to the resources and recognition they need to gain traction. Contestants will gain access to a prize pool of $200,000 in value, exposure to 10+ early-stage investors and insurance leaders, and have the chance to present in front of 400+ InsurTech influencers live in New York.  Apply by 2/7/2025 – https://www.insurtechny.com/competition/

Microsoft for Startups Founders Hub – Microsoft for Startups Founders Hub helps startups radically accelerate innovation by providing access to industry-leading AI services, expert guidance, and the essential technology needed to build a future-proofed startup. Up to $150K in Azure credits – https://www.microsoft.com/en-ca/startups

NGO Whisperer Global Fellowship – The NGO Whisperer Global Fellowship Programme is an accredited seven-month rigorous virtual leadership programme for exceptional leaders and founders of non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and social enterprises worldwide, especially those from low and middle-income countries. Apply by 3/17/2025 – https://ngowhisperer.com/fellowship/

Nike Community Impact Grant – Nike Community Impact Fund (NCIF) is an employee-led, neighborhood-focused approach to supporting local community organizations around the world to drive positive, lasting change and make play possible for all kids. Local organizations in select cities (see website for list) are welcome to apply. Funding up to $10,000. Apply by 2/15/2025 – https://about.nike.com/en/impact/initiatives/championing-our-nike-community-impact-fund

O’Shaughnessy Fellowships & Grants – A one-year program that unites the world’s most bold and undiscovered researchers, builders and creatives to find, build and spread new ideas. Funding of $100,000. Apply by 4/30/2025 – https://www.osv.llc/oshaughnessy-fellowships

Pollination Project – Grants to global non-profits. Annual budget for your group or organization must be less than $50,000. The total cost for the immediate project for which you are requesting funding must be less than $40,000 – https://thepollinationproject.org/apply/

Savvy Fellowship – Savvy is a 12-week virtual Fellowship program for young professionals seeking to be part of the new generation of impact entrepreneurs. Applicants should be 40 or younger – https://savvyfellows.com/team/

SheTrades Accelerator – SheTrades Accelerator Programme for women entrepreneurs and business support organizations in the Apparel, Accessories and Home Décor sectors is targeting women-led businesses (WLBs) and Business Support Organizations (BSO) in the Apparel, Accessories, and Home Decor sector from Iraq, Jordan, Kenya, Lebanon, Senegal, a

Small Business Champions Competition – This annual competition provides an opportunity for businesses, industry associations, chambers of commerce and non-governmental organizations to propose innovative, practical ways of helping small businesses play a more active role in world trade. Funding of $4,000.  Apply by 3/28/2025 – https://www.wto.org/english/forums_e/business_e/msme_sbc_e.htm nd South Africa. – https://shetrades-accelerator.converve.io/

Techstars Accelerators – Techstars accelerators have one goal: to help entrepreneurs succeed. During each three-month program, they surround companies (companies should be based in North American time zones) with the best mentors and an unrivaled network of corporate partners, investors, and alumni.  Companies can receive $20K for 6% of company.  Various locations and due dates – https://www.techstars.com/accelerators/

We Make Change – Global initiative that matches small businesses (mainly not for profits) with volunteers who are professional individuals or are from companies (including blue chip) that have an interest in supporting not for profits. Helps impact startups build a remote volunteer team for free – https://www.wemakechange.org/

United States-Specific Opportunities

Amazon’s Black Business Accelerator – Dedicated to helping build sustainable equity and growth for Black entrepreneurs by enabling their success as sellers. Grow your business with access to financial support, strategic business guidance and mentorship, and marketing and promotional support. – https://sell.amazon.com/programs/black-business-accelerator

Amber Grants ($15 application fee) – Must be a woman-owned business or non-profit in the US or Canada. Three $10,000 Amber Grants are awarded each month. Three of the 36 monthly winners get an additional $25,000 Year-End Amber Grant. –https://ambergrantsforwomen.com/

Bank of America’s Business Education Center for Entrepreneurs – Visit Bank of America’s Small Business Education site for access to free webinars on Accessing Capital, Building Business Credit and more – https://go.bofa.com/BusinessEducationCenter

Black History Makers Grant – In celebration of Black History Month, Citi Trends is acknowledging Black entrepreneurs that are making history in their community today. Their goal is to help advance and further the businesses of Black entrepreneurs. See the linkg to apply for the chance to receive a $5,000 grant. Apply by 2/28/2025 – https://cititrends.com/bhm/

BMO Fellowship with Watson Institute – The BMO Fellowship is a fully-funded venture and leadership program designed to provide comprehensive support to highly promising, diverse environmental sustainability entrepreneurs and leaders. It offers award-winning training in entrepreneurship, sustainability, and leadership to help advance their environmental sustainability-focused ventures and actively contribute to solving their communities’ most pressing challenges. This Fellowship is specifically intended for individuals from historically underserved communities who possess lived experience with the challenges they are determined to address. Preference will be given to those in AZ, NM, CA and CO.  Apply by 2/2/25 – https://watson.is/bmo-fellowship/

Causality Brand Grant – Grant offers both full (pro bono) and matching (partial, funding requirement of 50%) services grants to help nonprofits and good causes access branding, graphic design, creative services and web site design and development services at no or low cost. The grants are open to non profit organizations, government agencies, and educational clients in the U.S., Canada and Mexico. Apply by 2/7/2025 – https://www.causalitybrandgrant.com/apply/

CTIA Wireless Foundation Catalyst Grant – The Catalyst Grants Program seeks ambitious social entrepreneurs who have developed mobile-first solutions that leverage 5G and cutting-edge wireless technologies to address pressing challenges in American communities. This competitive program aims to deepen our connections and strengthen our communities through innovative mobile solutions. Funding up to $100,000 – Apply by 3/4/2025 – https://www.wirelessfoundation.org/catalyst

Door Dash Restaurant Disaster Relief Fund (DoorDash and HelloAlice) – To help restaurants recover in times of critical need, DoorDash has partnered with Hello Alice to create the Restaurant Disaster Relief Fund. The fund supports restaurants impacted by natural disasters, severe weather events, or major infrastructure failures, and provides relief through $10,000 grants. Apply by 3/3/2025 – https://helloalice.com/grants/doordash/

EmpowerHer Grant – Boundless Futures Foundation – The Boundless Futures Foundation awards grants to U.S.-based female entrepreneurs and nonprofits that support female entrepreneurship. The EmpowHer Grant offers entrepreneurs up to $25,000, with funds provided as reimbursements for business expenses upon proof of payment. Nonprofits that support female entrepreneurs through education, mentorship, or financing can request up to $30,000 in grant funding through the Her Village Grant. EmpowHer Grant applications are accepted on a rolling basis, while the deadline for the Her Village Grant is October 1, 2024. – https://boundlessfutures.org/our-impact/

First Interstate BancSystem Foundation grants – First Interstate Bank and the First Interstate BancSystem Foundation provide support in communities served by First Interstate Bank in Arizona, Colorado, Idaho, Iowa, Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, North Dakota, Nebraska, Oregon, South Dakota, Washington, and Wyoming. Must be a nonprofit to apply. The majority of the Foundation’s grants are focused on alleviating poverty by assisting low- and moderate-income individuals and communities. Funding minimum of $2500 –https://www.firstinterstatebank.com/company/commitment/grants.php

Halcyon Future Builders Fellowship 2025 – This program brings together founders from across the U.S., empowering them to address climate challenges, health barriers, and equity gaps. Founders gain expert training, critical resources to accelerate their ventures, a one-week in-person residency in Washington, DC, and a one-week in-person residency in Atlanta.       Funding of $5,000. Apply by 2/16/2025 – https://www.halcyonhouse.org/programs/futurebuilders-fellowship-2025/

HerRise Micro-Grant ($10 fee to apply) – Each month a $1000 micro-grant will be awarded to a for-profit small business owned by women of color. Past recipients used their growth grants for computers, equipment, marketing materials, software purchase, website creation and more. – https://www.hersuitespot.com/herrise/

Hillman Emergent Innovation (HEI) program – The Hillman Emergent Innovation (HEI) program provides grants to accelerate the development of bold, nursing-driven interventions that improve the health and healthcare of marginalized populations within the US. Funding up to $50,000. Apply by 2/18/2025 – https://www.rahf.org/programs

Home Depot Foundation’s Veteran Housing Grants program – The Home Depot Foundation’s Veteran Housing Grants program awards grants to nonprofit organizations for the new construction or rehabilitation of multifamily, permanent supportive housing for veterans throughout the United States, including Puerto Rico. The grants fund physical construction costs, and must comprise less than 50% of the total development cost of the project. While rural areas will be considered, priority will be given to large cities with populations of over 300,000 people. Specifically, there is a focus on projects in the following cities: Los Angeles and San Diego, CA; Denver, CO; Atlanta, GA; Tampa, FL; Chicago, IL; Detroit, MI; New York, NY; Houston, TX; and Seattle, WA. Funding up to $500,000. Deadlines of March 21, 2025 and July 3, 2025 – https://corporate.homedepot.com/page/veteran-housing-grants

Honeybook Breakthrough Grant – Open to all small business owners. You can use the funds to expand your product line, move to a new space, purchase new equipment, or anything else that will help you breakthrough in 2025! The grant runs from January 17 through April 2, 2025. Funding of $10,000 –https://www.honeycombcredit.com/breakthrough

Idea Cafe Small Business Grant – Idea Cafe, an online resource center for women-owned businesses, has been awarding Idea Cafe Small Business Grants of $1,000 to women entrepreneurs who either own a business currently or want to start their own business. Applications are now being taken for women who would like to apply for the grant money. (no fee but must sign up to be part of Idea Cafe) – https://www.businessownersideacafe.com/business_grants/index.php

Josephine Collective – The Josephine Collective looks at deals on a rolling basis, and founders can apply to be considered at any time. Goal is to have the entire process take no more than 3 weeks from presentation to wire. They invest anywhere from $10K to $100K depending on the Collective’s interest.  JC prefers early-stage tech-enabled businesses.  Companies must be for-profit, US-domiciled, and have an expectation of becoming large-scale businesses.  “Lifestyle” businesses, single location businesses with no current plans to scale, and non-profits will not be considered. – https://joinjosephine.com/

Kohl’s Supplier Diversity Mentorship Program – Participants must be a US-based company that is diverse-owned or a small business that has been in business for at least two years. Apply by 2/14/2025 – https://web.cvent.com/event/b496080c-e178-4ed5-971c-c589fe9b77a8/summary

Lenovo Evolve Small Grant – Lenovo Evolve Small is offering the chance to win technology, a cash check, and mentorship to fuel and integrate AI into your small business. Small businesses located in the greater metropolitan areas of Atlanta, GA; Chicago, IL; Dallas, TX; Los Angeles, CA; Miami, FL; San Diego, CA; Houston, TX; Washington, D.C.; Toronto, Ontario; and Vancouver, British Columbia, that have an annual revenue of less than $7.5M, 75 or less employees, and that are using Microsoft 365 as their primary computer operating system are eligible to apply. Apply by 2/17/2025 – https://www.lenovo.com/us/en/evolvesmall/

Looking Out Foundation – Grants to organizations are made to tax-exempt public charities under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Program interests include, but are not limited to: disadvantaged youth, public health, women, the environment, the arts, the hungry and the homeless. Funding up to $5000. Apply by 2/1/2025 – https://www.lookingoutfoundation.org/grant_applications

L’Oréal Paris Women of Worth program – The L’Oréal Paris Women of Worth program is an inspiring philanthropic initiative that recognizes and empowers exceptional women making a difference in their communities. Female non-profit leaders based in the US can apply. Funding of $25,000. Apply by 3/8/2025 – https://www.lorealparisusa.com/women-of-worth

Malone Unlimited Small Business Grant – Must be at least 75% owned by female or non-binary individuals (21 yrs or older) and operating in the US for at least 12 months. Funding of $1,500. Apply by 2/3/2025 – https://maloneunlimited.org/funding/small-business-grant/

Military Entrepreneur Challenge – The Military Entrepreneur Challenge is a nationwide grant program that gives veteran, military spouse, and Gold Star Family entrepreneurs the opportunity to network, learn, and compete for capital to grow their small business. – https://secondservicefoundation.org/mec/

Miller Center for Social Entrepreneurship – Must be a social enterprise that is intentional about supporting women’s economic empowerment, climate resilience, or the intersection of both and have at least $50K in income. Accelerator cohort starts in July 2025. Apply by 4/13/2025 – https://www.millersocent.org/accelerator/

Minority Business Circle – Supportive network for diverse entrepreneurs in various industries, offering opportunities like grants, loans, significant discounts on essential business products, and a comprehensive step-by-step guide with customized tools to track progress and foster growth. See link for info – https://minoritybusinesscircle.com/

Mona-Kiva Loan Opportunity for Small Business – Mona and Kiva U.S. have partnered to distribute $1 million of loan funding to 100 small businesses in the form of 0% interest, $0 fee, highly accessible loans $1,000 to $15,000 in size. All U.S. small businesses are eligible. Immigrant, refugee, and first-generation entrepreneurs are especially encouraged to apply.- https://www.mona-ventures.com/mona-capital

MSP Equity Accelerator sponsored by Allianz – The MSP Equity Accelerator sponsored by Allianz invests in high-growth startups founded by Black, Brown and Women entrepreneurs. For each cohort, $100K is invested in each of five startups who receive a concierge experience during our 12-week accelerator program. Founders must be willing to travel to Minnesota for In-Person Components of the program. Apply by 4/25/2025 – https://www.gener8tor.com/investment-accelerators/msp-equity-accelerator

New Voices Filmmaker Grant (with Netflix) – Applicant must be 18+ years old, identify as LGBTQIA+, reside continuously in the US, have directed at least one short film with LGBTQ+ content, never directed a feature-length film and not have formal representation. Funding of $25,000. Apply by 2/13/2025 – https://newfest.org/new-voices-filmmaker-grant/

Next 1B program (by McKinsey) – The Next 1B program from McKinsey is designed to support Black-owned brands in the United States. Eligible businesses are typically more than one year in maturity with anywhere from $250k-$5M in annual revenue, and sells consumer products – https://www.mckinsey.com/bem/overview/next-1b

Novae Grants Database – Novae Grants database are intended for small businesses with 6-100 employees, though some are also intended for larger businesses and sole proprietor startups – https://grants.novaegrants.com/

NSF Seed Fund – NSF helps startups navigate the earliest stages of technology translation, investing roughly $200 million annually in approximately 400 startups. Each startup can receive up to $2 million to support translational research and development. From advanced manufacturing to artificial intelligence to biological technologies to environmental technologies, they fund nearly all areas of technology. –  https://seedfund.nsf.gov/

Retail Readiness Training Program with WalMart and Watson Institute – The Retail Readiness Entrepreneurship Training Program is a competitive 16-week leadership and venture development program designed to support 25 underserved retail entrepreneurs who transform agricultural inputs into higher-value products or work directly in agriculture. Founders receive essential training, a curated list of retail readiness certifications and the financial stipend to pursue those certifications, mentorship, and access to a robust network and community. The program also offers long-term, sustainable alumni support to help entrepreneurs become retail-ready, scale their ventures, create jobs, and positively impact their communities.  Apply by 2/9/2025 – https://watson.is/retail-readiness-entrepreneurship-training-program/#new_tab

Rev Summer Prototyping Hardware Accelerator – The Rev Summer Prototyping Hardware Accelerator is open to anyone with an idea for a physical product and a passion for entrepreneurship. The program is free and open to the public, and teams do not need to have a legally-formed LLC to participate. The classic track supports product ideas across all industries, and the AgTech and CleanTech tracks offer startups the chance to work with a like-minded cohort and learn from industry experts. Funding of $2,000. Apply by 3/28/2025 – https://www.revithaca.com/prototyping-hardware-accelerator/

Service2CEO program – Service2CEO Is an entrepreneurship program for military-connected entrepreneurs. The program provides resources, networks of people committed to your success, and an actionable curriculum that accelerates your business to the next stage of development. – https://www.therosienetwork.org/service2ceo-program

Small Business Readiness for Resiliency grant – Developed in partnership with founding sponsor FedEx, the Small Business Readiness for Resiliency Program (R4R) is a multi-year initiative to empower small business owners to proactively mitigate the risks posed by disasters. Funding of $5,000 –https://www.uschamberfoundation.org/solutions/disaster-response-and-resiliency/small-business-readiness-for-resiliency

Small Certified Supplier Innovative Finance Program – Targeted to small certified suppliers in California, Georgia, Kansas, Illinois, Michigan, Minnesota, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Tennessee, Texas and Washington, the Small Certified Supplier Innovative Finance Program is designed to engage diverse suppliers in educational funding readiness training and funder matching to support capacity building. Funding for $5,000 – https://foundersfirstcapitalpartners.com/small-certified-supplier-innovative-finance-program/

South Park Commons Founders Fellowship – SPC’s Founder Fellowship helps entrepreneurs start a venture-scale company by targeting support at the “-1 to 0” idea stage. We give founders their first outside investment, help them ideate and iterate to a viable product, find early customers, and assist in raising funding from the best VCs in the world. $400,000 in exchange for 7% equity via a SAFE. Apply by 2/2/2025 – https://blog.southparkcommons.com/spc-founder-fellowship-spring-2025/

SPUR (Shared Purpose, Unlimited Reach) Pathways – Through an integrated and collaborative approach, Macy’s, Inc. and Momentus will provide access to a range of capital options from microloans to growth capital to equity investments. This represents a commitment to underrepresented businesses and aims to galvanize the retail industry to invest in the next generation of entrepreneurs – https://www.macysinc.com/purpose/spurpathways

Start Small Think Big is a nonprofit that helps small businesses with high potential and limited access to the resources needed to create thriving businesses. They partner with small business owners, providing personalized business support and building connections with local communities.  Applicants should have at least $500 in recurring sales over the past 3 months and total household income must fall below 750% Federal Poverty Guidelines.  If you are interested in being considered as a “client” for free services, you can fill out this form https://partner.startsmallthinkbig.org/bofainstitute (check toggle on side for English/Spanish).  They also offer free webinars (in Eng and Span) with upcoming events listed here – https://www.startsmallthinkbig.org/events-for-small-businesses

Substack Creator Accelerator Fund – The Substack Creator Accelerator Fund is for creators who are ready to expand their reach and subscription business by taking advantage of Substack’s growth network and full suite of publishing, community, and discovery tools. Any U.S.-based individual creator, or small group of creators, who have a monthly recurring revenue (MRR) of at least $2,000 can apply. –https://read.substack.com/p/substack-creator-accelerator-fund

TD Charitable Foundation Grants – The TD Charitable Foundation’s Capacity Building Fund provides grants to nonprofit organizations in TD Bank’s U.S. market areas for training, talent, tools, and tactics to further help their programs succeed. The Fund includes two opportunities: Capacity Building Grants provide funding to help strengthen and increase the impact of organizations on the communities they serve. These grants support work around three key issues: tactics, talent, and tools. The Nonprofit Training Resource Fund supports specific trainings that increase the capacities and skill sets of organizations’ employees. For both opportunities, support is primarily provided for programs aligned to one of TD’s corporate citizenship priorities: better health, connected communities, financial security, and a vibrant planet. Applicants must have annual operating budgets of $2 million or less and serve low- to moderate-income communities and diverse or historically underserved communities. Eligible areas are CT, DE, DC, FL, MA, MD, ME, NC, NH, NJ, NY, PA, RI, SC, VA, and VT. Funding up to $150,000. Apply by May 30, 2025 – https://www.td.com/us/en/about-us/communities/ready-commitment/funding-opportunities/non-profit

Truist NonProfit Grant – The Truist Foundation supports nonprofits with grants that target leadership development, economic mobility, thriving communities and educational equity. Quarterly deadlines – https://www.truist.com/purpose/truist-foundation/grant-application

U.S. Venture/Schmidt Family Foundation Grant – The Program Grants will be awarded from the U.S. Venture/Schmidt Family Foundation (USV/SFF) to help the disadvantaged, improve the quality of people’s lives, and strengthen our communities. The Foundation will consider a broad range of requests including specific program needs, capital or general operating support. A charitable organization will typically receive no more than one program grant per calendar year. Apply quarterly (4/25/25, 7/25/25, 10/24/25) – https://www.usventure.com/giving-back/us-venture-schmidt-family-foundation/program-grants/

Veterans Business Outreach Center – The Veterans Business Outreach Center (VBOC) program offers resources to veterans who are interested in starting or growing a small business. There are 22 locations (soon expanding to 35) and they offer workshops, training, counseling, and mentorship opportunities. – https://www.sba.gov/local-assistance/resource-partners/veterans-business-outreach-center-vboc-program

Warrior Rising Grant – Warrior Rising strives to accept and assist veterans at any point in the process of starting their own business, whether it is only a concept or if they have actual operations. Funding of $20,000 – https://www.warriorrising.org/apply/

Wish Local Empowerment Program – You must be a Black-owned business with a brick-and-mortar shop within the United States and less than 20 employees. If selected for the program, you must join Wish Local (which is free). Grants for up to $2000 – https://www.wish.com/local/empowerment

YippityDoo Big Idea Grant ($15 application fee) – Each month, one $1000 grant is awarded to a woman, age 18 or over, in the US to invest in their Business or Idea. It can be used as a start up grant, marketing grant, operational grant or whatever you need to help you to the next level with your idea or business. – https://programs.yippitydoo.com/thebigideagrantforwomen

ZenBusiness Free LLC Formation for Moms – To help mothers take the first step toward entrepreneurship, ZenBusiness is covering business formation costs and will help entrepreneurs form an LCC, track expenses, secure a business name, and more.  –https://www.zenbusiness.com/moms/

As mentioned above, see this link for over 100 opportunities listed by state that couldn’t fit into the email: https://bofainstitute.cornell.edu/more/spreadsheet-with-funding-resources-for-2025/

Africa-Specific Opportunities

Founders Factory Africa Gen F Incubator – Gen F is for exceptional founders/aspiring entrepreneurs looking to build out and test their ideas, achieve commercial success, and create outsized, systemic impact and founders looking to build tech solutions that solve Africa’s largest problems and catalyze change. Funding up to $250,000 – https://www.foundersfactory.africa/gen-f-eir-initiative

Grindstone incubator – Incubator will include training, corporate advisory, coaching, mentorship and funding. Specific interventions for each company include a structured gap analysis, understanding of the company value system, building a digital go-to-market strategy, financial modelling, intellectual property assessment, strategic and financial valuation as well as populating a data room – https://www.grindstonexl.com/grindstone-accelerator

Canada-Specific Opportunities

Amber Grants ($15 application fee) – Must be a woman-owned business or non-profit in the US or Canada. Three $10,000 Amber Grants are awarded each month. Three of the 36 monthly winners get an additional $25,000 Year-End Amber Grant. –https://ambergrantsforwomen.com/

Black Innovation Launchpad – The Black Innovation Launchpad is a FREE virtual skills development platform focused on building the next generation of Black entrepreneurs. https://www.dmzlaunchpad.ca/courses/black-innovation-launchpad

BMO Community Giving Grant – BMO has a long history of supporting registered charities and non-profit organizations. Funding applications are accepted online and are considered if you have a program or project that aligns with their focus areas and meets their eligibility criteria. Deadline of 3/31/25 and 9/30/25 – https://our-impact.bmo.com/our-practices/bmo-gives/

Canada Post Community Foundation Grant – The Canada Post Community Foundation provides grants to Canadian schools, charities and community organizations that make a difference in the lives of children and youth (up to age 21). Funding up to $50,000. Apply by 2/28/2025 – https://www.canadapost-postescanada.ca/cpc/en/our-company/community-foundation/community-foundation-application.page

Causality Brand Grant – Grant offers both full (pro bono) and matching (partial, funding requirement of 50%) services grants to help nonprofits and good causes access branding, graphic design, creative services and web site design and development services at no or low cost. The grants are open to non profit organizations, government agencies, and educational clients in the U.S., Canada and Mexico. Apply by 2/7/2025 – https://www.causalitybrandgrant.com/apply/

Code Launch Canada – CodeLaunch Canada is for startups with founders or co-founders who are Canada-based only. This will be our 23rd startup competition and our second time back in Toronto (check out our Canada event recap from last year)! Startup founders will have the opportunity to win at least $50,000 in investment capital, an additional tens of thousands in in-kind seed services such as software and product development. Apps open 2/16/25 and close 4/13/25 – https://codelaunch.com/events/2025-canada/

Coralus – Designed to leverage all forms of capital that have laid dormant in traditional structures, undervalued for decades.  There is no fee to apply as a venture. –https://www.coralus.world/

DMZ Incubator – Looking for Canada’s most-promising and high-impact tech entrepreneurs who have what it takes to scale their business. Applicants should have at least one full-time dedicated founder and tech lead. At minimum, Incubator applicants should have a functioning MVP and proven market traction, while Pre-Incubator applicants should have a marketable MVP and be actively working on validating their business. Funding of $500,000  Apply by 2/25/2025 – https://mydmz.torontomu.ca/portal/login

DoorDash #BlackFoodEnergy Restaurant Grant – Black Opportunity Fund is excited to announce another round of non-repayable grant funding to celebrate, amplify and support Black Chefs and Black-Owned restaurants to showcase the amazing things they are serving up in neighbourhoods across Canada. Funding of $10,220. Apply by 2/28/2025 – https://blackopportunityfund.ca/funding-programs/doordash-blackfoodenergy-restaurant-grant-year-3/

Dragons Den Auditions – Applications are open for season 20. They will start contacting select applicants in early 2025 to schedule an audition. Applicants must be based in Canada to be considered for the show. – https://www.cbc.ca/dragonsden/auditions

Effervescence Pitch Competition – For its fifth edition, the EFFERVESCENCE Start-up Pitch Competition will fuel the rise of Canadian start-ups whose innovations aim to transform the field of life sciences and health technologies (LSHT). Funding up to $20,000. Apply by 2/10/2025 – https://effervescencemtl.com/en/competition-start-up-pitch-2024/

Food and Beverage Accelerator at YSpace Canada – YSpace presents the Food & Beverage Accelerator 2025 Are you ready to scale your high-growth food and beverage venture? Our five-month accelerator program is designed to help you thrive in the consumer-packaged goods industry! Apply by 2/28/2025 – https://www.yorku.ca/yspace/programs-streams/food-bev-accelerator/

Groundswell Community Grant – This initiative is accepting applications for transformative social change initiatives. Canadian organizations and non-profits are eligible to apply. They prioritize member-driven, grassroots initiatives facing funding difficulties due to their work’s nature. Funding up to $10,000. Apply by 2/16/2025 – https://groundswellfund.ca/apply/

Headstream Accelerator – The Headstream Accelerator is ideal for innovations that aim to positively impact youth mental well-being, especially BIPOC, Latino, and LGBTQIA+ communities. While the accelerator focuses primarily on solutions within the education & healthcare markets, they encourage and welcome all impactful digital solutions to apply. Funding of $30,000. Apply by 3/16/2025 – https://www.headstreaminnovation.com/accelerator

INOVAIT Canada Grant – INOVAIT provides Canada’s image-guided therapy (IGT) industry and academic institutions with targeted non-dilutive funding for commercialization-focused R&D projects involving the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) into IGT technologies. Funding of $150,000. Apply by 4/2/2025 – https://inovait.ca/funding/

Launchpad for Women Entrepreneurs – Launchpad for Women Entrepreneurs is designed to empower early-stage women entrepreneurs interprovincially by offering dedicated resources to kickstart and grow a successful business. Program is available via its on-demand self-paced learning platform nationally or through in-person sessions across Ontario, Alberta, British Columbia, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia –https://www.launchpadforwomen.ca/

Lenovo Evolve Small Grant – Lenovo Evolve Small is offering the chance to win technology, a cash check, and mentorship to fuel and integrate AI into your small business. Small businesses located in the greater metropolitan areas of Atlanta, GA; Chicago, IL; Dallas, TX; Los Angeles, CA; Miami, FL; San Diego, CA; Houston, TX; Washington, D.C.; Toronto, Ontario; and Vancouver, British Columbia, that have an annual revenue of less than $7.5M, 75 or less employees, and that are using Microsoft 365 as their primary computer operating system are eligible to apply. Apply by 2/17/2025 – https://www.lenovo.com/us/en/evolvesmall/

NEXT Founders Accelerator – Next Founders accelerates the growth of Canada’s most promising entrepreneurs by providing mentorship, access to capital, and unparalleled entrepreneurial education taught by world-class faculty. Apply by 3/4/2025 – https://www.nextcanada.com/

RBC Canadian Women Entrepreneur Awards – Entrepreneurs must be nominated by March 20, 2025. If you have received an email notifying you of your nomination – congratulations! You can follow the links within the email to take you to the next steps. If you have not been nominated yet, why not nominate yourself? Apply by 3/20/2025 – https://www.womenofinfluence.ca/rbc-cwea/

System Innovations Grant – The System Innovations Grant supports collaboratives working to strengthen systems and improve the experiences of youth facing systemic barriers in Ontario. With funding of up to $250,000 per year for a term of 2 to 5 years, this grant empowers organizations to reimagine equitable access, reduce systemic oppression, and involve youth in creating lasting change. Apply by 2/19/2025 – https://otf.ca/our-grants/youth-opportunities-fund/system-innovations-grant#choose-your-priority-outcome

Tidal Empowerment Program – The program offers ten selected businesses an opportunity to receive comprehensive consulting on Strategy, Marketing, Operations, and Technology— worth $25,000, and a promotional technology bundle to help with implementation.  – https://empowerment.tidalcommerce.ca/

Toronto’s Vital Signs Grants – The 2025 Toronto’s Vital Signs Grants will focus on small nonprofits and charities, with operating budgets of up to $500,000, working to build their internal capacity. The funding opportunity includes a one-time grant to strengthen the capacity and charitable work of high-impact organizations. Grantees will also receive additional promotion to Toronto Foundation’s network of donors. Funding of $15,000. Apply by 2/7/2025 – https://torontofoundation.ca/torontos-vital-signs-grants/

Youth Opportunity Grants-Home Depot – The Youth Opportunity Grants will consider applications from Canadian registered charities dedicated to preventing and ending youth homelessness in Canada through housing, prevention and employment programs. Including housing transformation, healthy pathways (prevention), and youth innovation, which include youth-led initiatives and education programs. Funding up to $75,000. Apply February 17, 2025 – March 7, 2025 – https://www.homedepot.ca/en/home/corporate-information/our-community/the-home-depot-canada-foundation/apply-for-funding.html

United Kingdom/Ireland-Specific Opportunitites

Innovate UK KTN – Resource for sourcing grant programs available in the UK across all sectors. Funding opportunities section allows visitors to the website to filter grants by sector or type of funding required. – https://iuk.ktn-uk.org/opportunities/


Again, here’s the link for over 100 opportunities listed by state that couldn’t fit into the email: https://bofainstitute.cornell.edu/more/spreadsheet-with-funding-resources-for-2025/

They keep that list current all throughout the month – so you can always check back during the month to see if there is anything new!